Our secret weapon for organization and efficiency

Let me just cut to the chase, the tool we use is an app called Asana

After years of project management for multiple projects for many customers, we've tried so many organization systems and I'll tell you what...so far, this is one to rave about!

As business owners and leaders, we all know that time is a gift and there never seems to be enough of it right?  It's so important to efficiently use our time, in the right places if we want to grow our business.  Organization at its best is (aside from avoiding the social media scrolling rabbit hole) is the #1 first step to using your time wisely.

If you haven't tried it yet, check out Asana.  It's FREE at the entry level and is super convenient to use with access on our computers as well as our phones.  It allows you to keep track of projects, the tasks in each project, deadlines for all of it and include multiple people as needed, so those on your team and/or your clients can be kept on track and in the loop. 

We have many loves in this platform, however our favorite part?  Clicking that oh so fabulous "complete" button and watching a unicorn fly! (Yes!, that is not a lie.)  Nothing like checking off an item on a to do list.

StrategyJodie Gallant